Large Language Models (LLM) tools have made significant advancements in the healthcare industry, but European healthcare faces challenges in complying with new AI regulations while ensuring responsible use of advanced GPT LLM technology. The MedGPT project is addressing privacy and ethical concerns by embedding ethical AI and European GDPR & MDR compliance into its platform, utilising European-based LLM with the aim to set the standard for Medical GPT applications globally. This marks a paradigm shift towards smarter health applications, superior efficiency, accuracy and scalability, potentially disrupting current high-maintenance, rigid healthcare systems.
BEIA GmbH | Austria |
TechMeetsLegal | Austria |
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) | Portugal |
University of Porto Faculty of Medicine | Portugal |
5M Software | Netherlands |
Autoscriber | Netherlands |
Catharina Ziekenhuis | Netherlands |
Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands |
Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands |
Philips Electronics Nederland BV | Netherlands |
SemLab | Netherlands |
ARD GROUP | Turkey |
Güven Future Sağlık Teknolojileri A.Ş. | Turkey |
PUSULA HBYS | Turkey |
SESTEK A.S | Turkey |
SMARTIKS | Turkey |
VirtualCare is aiming to introduce Medical Large Language Models use cases in its obstetrics electronic health record, ObsCare.
This project could potentially lead to more efficient healthcare delivery, reduce the strain on healthcare systems, and provide a model for the ethical implementation of AI in sensitive sectors. It represents a forward-thinking approach to healthcare technology, with a strong emphasis on ethical considerations and VirtualCare is eager to fulfill its role.
By focusing on obstetrics, we are targeting a critical area of healthcare that can greatly benefit from AI, potentially transforming the way care is provided to pregnant women and their babies.
Our goal to establish ourselves as a leader in health information systems indicates a drive not only to innovate but also to set standards in the industry, especially in leveraging AI for better decision-making.
We align with the broader objectives of the MedGPT project, ensuring that the development and implementation of AI technologies in healthcare are done with the utmost consideration for privacy, data protection, and patient welfare.
Within the MEDGPT project, VirtualCare is primarily focused on Work Packages 2, 4 and 6, bringing significant technological expertise and market access capabilities. In WP2, VirtualCare will lead in defining specific national use cases for the integration of GenAI and LLMs in obstetric care.
This involves identifying unique healthcare challenges and opportunities within our national context and outlining detailed requirement specifications for the ObsCare system. In WP4, we will contribute to the development of the MedGPT platform and its integration services. In WP5, our role extends to integrating these AI technologies into ObsCare, conducting pilot tests, and undertaking validation studies to ensure efficacy and reliability.
This includes adapting AI algorithms for seamless functionality and user experience within the healthcare setting.