• Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00


Código do Projeto: 101195425
Líder do Consórcio
Department of Health | Ireland
Data de início
Data de Conclusão
Investimento Total
16.671.283,73 €
Financiamento Total
8.335.641,40 €
Entidade Beneficiária
VirtualCare, Lda
Investimento (Beneficiário)
507.526,68 €
Incentivo (Beneficiário)
253.763,34 €
Estado do Projeto

do Projeto

The "MyHealth@MyHands" project aims to enhance digital healthcare in the European Union by ensuring interoperable and universal access to medical records online by 2030, aligning with the Digital Europe Programme's and the European Health Union objectives.

This initiative will leverage existing infrastructures and integrate with MyHealth@EU services to enhance health data interoperability across member states, ensuring secure and user-friendly citizen data access that supports cross-border health and care. It incorporates comprehensive project management, stakeholder engagement, and technical advancements focused on a robust health data access framework.

Furthermore, it emphasizes creating a knowledge hub to support collaborative community-building and integration with the EU Digital Identity Wallet, aligning with EU health data policies and regulations. The project also prioritizes user-centred design and operational flexibility, critical for successful implementation and scaling of health data access-based value-creating solutions. Overall, "MyHealth@MyHands" seeks to contribute significantly to the digital transformation of healthcare in the EU by addressing the need for a unified approach to health data management and access, enhancing health literacy, and promoting a digitally inclusive society where high-quality health services are accessible to all EU citizens.

do projeto

A7 Software | Belgium
Azienda Regionale Per L´Innovazionee Gli Acquisti, S.P.A. | Italy
CAPABLE.healthcare | Norway
Charite - Universitätsmedizin Berlin | Germany
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies | Germany
Casa Nationala De Asigurari De Sanatate - CNAS National Health Insurance House NHIH | Romania
Cyens Centre Of Excellence - CYENS CoE | Cyprus
Aricoma Digital S.R.O. | Czech Republic
Vysocina Kraj | Czech Republic
Data for patients S.L. | Spain
Ministere De La Sante Et De La Prevention | France
Agence Du Numérique En Sante | France
eHealth Software Solutions Kft. | Hungary
EIT Health Germany-Switzerland CLC GmbH | Germany
Hellenic Cancer Federation (ELLOK) | Greece
ESZFK Egészséginformatikai Szolgáltató és Fejlesztési Központ Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság | Hungary
Gnomon Plirophorikis, S.A. | Greece
National Infrastructures For Research and Technology - GRNET S.A. | Greece
HL7 International Fondation | Belgium
HEALTHWARE Kft.| Hungary
IHE Catalyst | Belgium
IONOS SE | Germany
Kela The Social Institution | Finland
Kereval | France
Gruppo Maggioli, SPA | Italy
Attivita' Industriali Commerciali E Finanziarie S.r.l. Aicof | Italy
Mályvavirág Alapítvány | Hungary
Minds & Sparks GMBH | Austria
Ministero Della Salute | Italy
Ministerio de Sanidad | Spain
Nordic Wellbeing Academy | Denmark
National eHealth Authority | Cyprus
Rare Diseases Greece | Greece
Sensotrend OY | Finland
Universita Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore | Italy
Unidade Local de Saúde de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, E.P.E. | Portugal
UpHill | Portugal
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | Spain
VirtualCare, Lda.| Portugal

do Projeto

The MyHealth@MyHands project aims to empower patients by providing seamless access to their health data, leveraging interoperable digital tools across EU member states. VirtualCare's involvement focuses on enhancing cross-border health data access, ensuring the secure integration of patient data with the EU Digital Identity Wallet. Activities include the development of user-friendly solutions for managing patient data, contributing to the European Health Data Space's goals.

VirtualCare will also play a key role in improving patient self-management through innovative digital tools. Expected outcomes include increased patient engagement, enhanced data security, and improved healthcare delivery efficiency across borders​.