Why is OpenData important?

Virtualcare believes that the variable information is especially useful for researchers and teams of data researchers, for this purpose we provide access to the data models currently used in the ObsCare WCR on this page.

Do you have any doubts?

The VirtualCare team is open to assist you with any questions by email:

ObsCare's DataLake

Variable identifier.

Description that appears on the form in Portuguese.

Short description that appears on the form in Portuguese.

More detailed description of the variable in Portuguese.

Description that appears on the form in English.

Short description that appears on the form in English.

More detailed description of the variable in English.

SNOMED code describing the term.

ICD10 code describing the term.

OpenEHR archetype that describes the term.

Table where the variable is being stored.

Database field where the variable is being stored.

Type of field where the variable is being stored.